ManyBooks was established in 2004 with the vision to provide an extensive library of books in digital format for free on the Internet. Many of the early eBooks are from the Project Gutenberg archives, which means you will be able to find a lot of classics on the site. Over a decade later, we are still going strong in our mission to provide a valuable service to our readers. It has grown into a platform where self-publishing authors have the opportunity to introduce their work to our community and new books are uploaded to our site daily - provided they comply to our quality standards.
Z-Library (abbreviated as z-lib, formerly BookFinder) is a shadow library project for file-sharing access to scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books. As of 29 July 2021, ZLibrary states that it provides access to more than 8,102,023 books and 80,759,557 articles. According to Z-Library, it is "the world's largest ebook library" for eBooks as well as "the world's largest scientific articles store" at the project's page for academic articles (at is the internet's #1 source for free eBook downloads, eBook resources & eBook authors. Read & download eBooks for Free: anytime!
Since 2004, Pratham Books has been creating engaging storybooks in multiple languages and formats to help children discover the joy of reading – in languages they can understand, set in locations they can recognise, featuring characters with whom they can identify, and telling stories that capture their attention and fuel their imagination. Fired by our mission of ‘A book in every child’s hand’, we realised that in order to accelerate progress towards SDG 4, we need innovative solutions that bring books to children in a scalable and sustainable manner.
Taylor & Francis, a division of Informa, is a specialist in scholarly research and in helping academic and research communities make new breakthroughs. We curate, produce and publish scholarly research and reference-led content, enabling the latest academic thinking and discovery to be shared and built on.
Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project and donates its recordings to the public domain. It is powered by volunteers and maintains a loose and open structure. Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages
The mission of the International Children's Digital Library Foundation (ICDL Foundation) is to support the world's children in becoming effective members of the global community - who exhibit tolerance and respect for diverse cultures, languages and ideas -- by making the best in children's literature available online free of charge. The Foundation pursues its vision by building a digital library of outstanding children's books from around the world and supporting communities of children and adults in exploring and using this literature through innovative technology designed in close partnership with children for children. The ICDL Foundation is a non-profit corporation.
ReadPrint is a free web resource where you can read whole books for free online. The site currently hosts over 8,000 book titles from over 3,500 authors including famous names like Agatha Christie,Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, George Orwell, Jane Austen... etc. ... Over 8,000 online books.